Overheard almost any night during dinner at my house are these words, “Momma, what’s for desert?”. It’s not a stretch for me to bust out a granola bar or a yogurt and pass something like that off as desert. Hey, I’m not Betty Crocker ok? I really enjoy making desert, but I simply just don’t make it that often. I think I should consider making it more often because if we’re being honest here, it’s such a great bribery tool!
“Moooooooom, I haaaaaaaaate carrots.”
“Well honey, you can eat them or you won’t get any desert.”
BOOM! I immediately feel like a boss. Yeah, desert can do that to a mom. The upper-hand can be yours with a proper desert offering.
Like say this cheesecake? Ok, ok. I must make a confession here. I have only ever made cheesecake the quick and easy way. You know the kind with whipped cream and cream cheese and not real baking involved. It’s good stuff. It’s just not real cheesecake. It doesn’t have that super creamy taste like you get with a real cheesecake.
I do understand that I’m hatin’ on every cheesecake I’ve ever made up until this point, but I’m ok with that.
So this cheesecake here. It’s the real deal. But it’s actually easy to do. Mix some easy ingredients together and letting her go in the oven for a while and you have a foolproof cheesecake. So creamy and yummy that your kids will eat anything you feed them in order to have some of this! Well, most anything. Maybe not brussel sprouts. I have never been able to get any of my kids near those things.
There are really just 4 ingredients plus your graham cracker crust. You can buy that thing and save some time or whip it up yourself.
My daughter was eating her a slice the other night and she requested strawberries on top. Unfortunately I was out, but I had some strawberry jam so we used that. You know what? It worked and it tasted just fine. We work with what we got around here.
I’m still not used to the oven here at our new home and it overcooks things a bit so the top of my cheesecake got a little dark. Keep an eye on yours as well.
Another little side note for you- this recipe made a TON of cheesecake batter and I ended up using the extra for small cheesecake muffins things. Just beware when you’re pouring into the crust. You may not need the entire bowl of batter.
Be sure to share with me if you make this recipe!

- Unbaked Graham Cracker Crust
- 3 (8 oz) Packages Cream Cheese, softened
- 1 c. Sugar
- 5 eggs
- 1 and 1/2 tsp Vanilla
- Preheat oven to 350°.
- Cream the cream cheese and eggs together by adding an egg at a time slowly.
- Add sugar and vanilla to that.
- Pour into the graham cracker crust.
- Bake for 1 hour until the center is set. Let cool completely.
- This recipe made a TON of cheesecake batter and I ended up using the extra for small cheesecake muffins things. Just beware when you're pouring into the crust. You may not need the entire bowl of batter.

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