I posted this recipe years ago, but decided to make a little video about the process while making it the other day. You can find the full recipe for 3 Ingredient White Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge here.

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Recipes, DIY, Crafts, and More!
I posted this recipe years ago, but decided to make a little video about the process while making it the other day. You can find the full recipe for 3 Ingredient White Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge here.
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I’m not sure that the weather realizes that it’s almost November. Somebody really oughta tell it that it’s a little late this year. We are just now seeing the leaves change. And the temp? We haven’t had many cold snaps and just the other day it was close to 90 again. Welcome to good ole Tennessee!
I’m mostly ready for the bugs to leave us alone. I’ve had to set up one of my Fruit Fly Traps. After seeing about five of them near the sink I told the hubby that it’s time to get one made up and set out. After a couple of hours we counted them to find out that the five we thought we had was really closer to 50. Um, ew!
I’m sorry y’all. It appears that our family has a thing for desserts. You might have noticed that by my last three recipes. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- dessert is my best bribing tool. Why wouldn’t I make it?! Though sometimes I find it hard to keep up with demand. Trying to get better at it since I’ve discovered its power.
This pie has quickly become a hubby favorite. Requested many times and made just as many times because of how easy it truly is. Y’all know me and my few ingredient recipes. This one?
Just four ingredients.
The first is none other than a pie crust. Easy to make yourself if you’re in the mood. Easier to purchase at the store when you’re not in the mood.
The next two ingredients include some very tasty staples that totally make me want a s’more right now. An 8 ounce chocolate bar and pile of jumbo marshmallows. You melt them down until they are good and combined. The original recipe didn’t call for anything to help them along, but I have been using a tablespoon or so of milk.
After they combine, they look like this. Ooey, gooey, yummy goodness.
You let this mixture cool a little and then fold in a tub of whipped cream. Pour this mixture into your pre-baked pie crust and refrigerate a little while.
Oh goodness y’all. It’s sooooo good.
I think a lot of its charm comes from how easy it is. Do you feel that way? When things are easier all of the sudden they are that much more amazing? It’s like getting things free. You give me something FREE, I’m going to be uber excited about that thang.
You have to try it.
You just do.
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It was a really great weekend around here. I actually got a girl’s night out with some friends and we had a blast. Isn’t it funny how silly us moms can act when you put a few of us in a room together without our children? We need that time every now and then to just be silly.
I was on a mission to create a Reese’s Truffle over the weekend as well and after a failure, I finally got it right. That’s usually how my creations usually work. I have to fail a few times before I get it right. But that’s what we call trial and error. But let me just tell you, these truffles are no error. They are so yummy! And they are so incredibly easy, it’s insane.
I think one of my favorite things about them is that you can get all the ingredients that you need anywhere, including a convenience store! You know sometimes, it’s just not possible to make it to the grocery store. Whether it’s because you’re on vacation and have no idea where a grocery store is or because you don’t want to fight the crowd, a convenience store is always around the corner and you can get all of the ingredients in this particular recipe from one!
You start out by taking 6 packs of 2 Reese’s cups and 3 slices of pound cake and putting them through the food processor (or blender). It makes a crumby mixture that is really soft and easily formed into a ball. Make them as big or as little as you want.
Although trust me, you’ll want them smaller so you can eat more…
Pop your little balls into the freezer for a little bit. Around 15 minutes or so to get them good and firm so you can dip them in the Hershey goodness.
This is the Hershey goodness. Try to refrain from reaching through the picture to eat one. This is just a picture, I promise.
Melt it in the microwave for a bit to get it so nice and gooey. Then it’s time to get your peanut buttery balls out of the freezer for their chocolate bath.
I would never object to a chocolate bath, would you?
When you’re done dipping them, put them back in the freezer for another little bit to help the chocolate firm a bit quicker and then you can put them in a tupperware or in cute little mini cupcake wrappers like these for serving.
This is what the inside looks like. Once again, this is just a picture. I hate to make you sad, but this truffle ended up in my belly. It was really good. 🙂
Here’s the recipe so you can make your own!
3-Ingredient Reese’s Truffles |
#ratingval# from #reviews# reviews
You could also make these with chocolate pound cake and that would be very delicious as well!
This experience has been part of a study with Murphy USA and The Smarter Driver. See more Convenience Store Cuisine at The Smarter Driver or at Murphy USA on Pinterest. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.
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I am an absolute ice cream fanatic. There, I said it. It’s in my top favorite sweets out there. I have issues practicing portion control when a tub is placed in front of me. So as you can imagine, I try not to get into that position very often.
A while back, I shared a recipe for 1-Ingredient Banana Ice Cream over at Saving with Amy. For ice cream lovers like myself, this is quite a discovery that makes eating ice cream a little less guilt-stricken. You see, all it takes to make a batch of creamy and smooth no-add sugar banana ice cream is to freeze a few sliced bananas and then pop them into a food processor! I know, right?
I can just feel you saying SHUT UP!
But around here, where there’s banana you’ll almost always find peanut butter. They go together like milk and cookies or Lucy and Ethel……..
….or perhaps me and ice cream.
I have a history of pairing peanut butter and banana together.
Exhibit A:
If you’re a fan of the duo, those are some recipes you could try.
Not only did I add in some peanut butter, I also added in another fave of mine…chocolate! There is nothing better than the combination of those three in harmony taking a dip in my ice cream cone. So soft and creamy.
That’s the stuff! And I just love that this is available whenever I’m ready. The bananas can be frozen for weeks or sometimes even months in the freezer and then popped out to be made into ice cream when you have a craving. And of course, you probably have a little powdered cocoa in the pantry along with some peanut butter.
3- Ingredient Peanut Butter Choco-Banana Ice Cream |
#ratingval# from #reviews# reviews
I must admit that these are complete estimates for the peanut butter and cocoa. I did not measure exactly but I don’t see how you could really mess this one up. 🙂
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